
in Skopje. Well, more of a coincidence. Like everything in this week. Should be in Lausanne, but ended up in Skopje. Should just take time for me, but ended up meeting people and arranging some possible future endeavours with them. One of the got quickly realised, ie the 42, where I was dancing Senka Anastatova, a very dear friend and great artist.

We first thought it would be good to do it in city park, but three nights before we were having great time at the evening drink with other friends from Skopje. Yes, yes, Skopje is full of friends. You are quick to make some. Relax.

And the place called Izlet (Trip) turned out to be great place to perform 42. It actually got only 1h15min performance since I had a flight scheduled in the afternoon, but nonetheless, it was great stuff.

People would be coming in slowly as I would be polyprinciplaying my way through 42 and in this way getting closer to people. Billy immediately noted, as I did with Ryuzo in Slovenia, that performances like that help people get over their prejudice about dance and contemporary dance.

Yes, it was a small soft witty revolution on the Liberation Army of Macedonia Day for the bar commers and lots of fun for friends and their kids.

It takes always time to get into algorythms of a principles at hand for me, yet this entering also offers some nice stuff for people to enjoy. I believe it relaxes them in sense that they don’t need to watch all the time what I am up to. That is what bar is for. Drink, chat, enjoy, party.

As for me, I was surprised how quick I am to enjoy 42 and the features it offers me: being among people with no special attention, well, maybe time to time, playful exchange of looks, smiles, energies, attentions.

I felt principles that surfaced, played with themselves 🙂 a lots, and intricate games of perforating itself, that I could follow only by daning along with it, rendering myself to its game.

I loved the ending part which turned out to be a disco dance on a modern piano music.