Close to where I live is a small platform, remnant of a cottage that was serving the needs of archers. It is ideal secluded place to perform some 42 🙂 and get fortituded or better fortytwoed by ideas of 42 🙂
The preludes and fugues swap the role today. It happened that in prelude I was getting already the clear dance principle at work that in fugue got really wild in its transformations and I could not resist thinking that it was not in fugue that I allowed principle to dance itself, but in prelude, and so in fugues it was rediscovering itself by chase/flee game.
So, actually it turned out that the process I conceived, is isomorphic. Firstly I decided for 42 to let dance dance itself as it will in prelude and by doing that my job was to be able to exract from this dance the principle at work, or at least one of the principles. Then I would let this dance principle let explore itself in fugue, by juxtaposing and chasing itself. Today this reversed. And it turns out that by reversing, or better said, swapping the role of prelude and fugue in 42, it proved that the two processes are isomorphic. Discovering the dance principle at work is let dance chase itself.
I guess this is one way to release and set free dance from the human and its body.
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