
When I start moving, I start to think better, many layers, many directions. One of the thoughts today was a very clear idea about

Researching the performing while/and performing the research.

I would like to develop it with Senka Anastasova as it is a very clear connection to our creeping theory endeavour. Just today before fortytwoing, I stumbled upon some critical theory writing and together with what I said at the beginning of this post and the best description that anyone gave by now of what I am doing: Tina Janežič. She said

When I watch you it is clear you are (re)searching in front of us, with us. What you do has clear elements of performing, and even though you excel in it, it is not the thing in focus. What is in focus is the fact that you are researching with us in front of us for us.

If one looks at it like that, everything makes a lot of sense. Quicker 🙂 While I perform 42, I am exploring its context, environment, origin, end, or even better, I co-create it with movement.

Actually today it happened that what I was doing was actually just taking care of the environment where movements were born then. Then I just enacted the movements that emerged from the established environment. Well, “just” is exaggerated here, since this is THE work. To render the movements that emerge, to let go to them, control the movement, body, presence, essence. Sense.

All these three things made me dancewrite the above mentioned topic. Like I mention in post Swap the swapping of research and performing is evident and it is evident together with the fact that because they swap each others role in the process of creation, doesn’t necessarily mean they are the same thing. Even not that they are isomorphic, as decribed in [thb_button size=”” color=”red” url=”http://42.upri.se/2014/04/13/swap/” text=”Swap”].

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