While moving though labirynths of family of Bach and also my family, I also performed (or it was performed though me, I gave permission and my being for it to be performed) a basic folkloric steps of kolo.
A questions rose (was born) out of this doing. Does moving mean I am just visiting dance? That I am tourist of dance? By tourist I mean in sense of Grotowski, just tasting each and everything without conceptualizing (in action) it. When I say without conceptualizing, I am hinting at necessity for artistic act to be conceptualized as is being born, or to say it in other way, conceptualization of artistic act is constitutional. Still this does not mean conceptualization comes only thorugh mind. Movements in dance are usually conceptualized through movement itself.
So, am I art tourist? I am not. I went to place that is only visited by lumberjacks. People that go for walks, tread another path. Still the sensation and doubt that I am tourist persist. In which sense? I did not indulge myself in knowing more facts about Bach. But again, that is not withing my wishes for 42. I want to sense the dance principle through my sensation of Bach. I am more or less successful. So that is not indication that I am a tourist.
I guess it is hard to be a tourist in the work that rose from concept and requires constant conceptualization of each act within 42, since it is made out of capitalistic system.
Maybe I am mistaking my sensation of being tourist with the following that I wrote while I was dancing 42 today:
It feels like dancing out (of me) the prejudice about movement. Or to say better, I am giving myself a safe space to live what want to get expressed and already I don’t give myself permission to dance it out.